Saturday 20 September 2014

Avoid Typing Mistakes in Your Tablets & Smartphones

The keyboards of tablets and smartphones can complete the words for you. For better and sometimes for worse. Learn to take better advantage.

We all worth well easily, on a tablet or a smartphone, enter text beyond two lines without getting upset is a feat. And yet, the designers of different keyboards out of their way to make our job easier: integrated that can enrich oneself, corrections on two words, terms that complement his own dictionaries - is the famous auto-completion. Unfortunately, it can play nasty tricks on you with not always wise choice, that force you to go back and correct what the software has done for you ... or let your text with its faults, the last straw when think ingenuity implemented to help you write.

But with a little practice, cunning and advice, you can make best use of the power of these wizards to. If the iOS keyboard is still the same, those of Android may change as publishers or manufacturers, our examples are based on the default keyboard of the Samsung Nexus S.

Step 1: iOS, use the word suggestions label
When you type text on your iPad or iPhone, the device uses the system language to suggest the words he predicts and displays as small labels above the currently typed word. Should you? Do not finish and touch the space bar the word that comes complete alone.

Step 2: iOS, change the suggested word buttons
If pressing the space bar generated a word you do not want, press once on the backspace key. If other combinations are known by the system, they will be offered in small black text above the buttons: touch the proposal that suits you.
Step 3: iOS, reject the suggested word cross
If the suggested word by iOS does not suit you, you can ignore it and continue typing as if nothing had happened. But if you need to press the spacebar after all, without accepting the proposal, first make it disappear by pressing its label or its small cross.

Step 4: iOS, save words with Contacts new
The iOS correction does not have a mechanism to "learn" new words easily and fill with them.
But she can do it by using the Contacts entries. Start Contacts, click the + to create a new record and enter in name, company name or new words and press OK.

Step 5: iOS, using keyboard shortcuts SETTINGS
Otherwise, a bit laborious, but functional (it only works for words that you explicitly state) to force the correction with your own words: shortcuts. In the settings of the iPad, General Module scroll settings column down and select the input keyboard.

Step 6: iOS, define a new shortcut
Press down on Add a shortcut. In the Expression line, enter the word (or word sequence) complete. In Shortcut, enter the letters thereof, easy to remember, but not too common either. Confirm with Save. Entering the shortcut will now appear the proposal of the complete word.

Step 7: Apps, choose the right word to add
With the default Android keyboard, the suggestions are shown in blue above the keyboard - Android also takes into account the contents of the address book. This is the central one, in bold, which will be used automatically when you press the Space key; but you can press one of the proposals shown on the left and right, if it suits you better.
If you enter a word that was unknown to the built-in dictionary and you want to add, tap once your word is finished, the "Proposal" in blue, and then a second time on its title to save it in the dictionary .

Step 8: Android, manage your custom dictionary
If you accidentally added a word and want to eliminate it from the dictionary, go to System Settings, Language & input, and press Custom Dictionaries English. Scroll through the text below and click on the red X to delete those that suit you most. 
Step 9: Android, add words to the dictionary added
To add more words to the dictionary in advance, still in English, press down the + button. Enter your password, observing that the letter if necessary (be careful, it does not work with compound words), and click OK. Repeat for the other words.


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