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Thursday, 3 September 2015

Refurbishment of Spare Parts

Purpose and Benefits: Purpose   Faulty repairable spares is maintained to re-use in company, the spare part will have different valuation type to represent different values  Benefits  A high value spare part or critical part will be managed with serial number. It will help to manage each piece of this spare part  Refurbishment process will help to reduce the spare parts inventory cost.  Detailed Process...

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Material Purchasing & Replenishment SOP

1.0  PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for managing material master data, purchasing & replenishment of material for better results in any organization. This SOP guide the concerned in a respectable way for the favor of companies.. 2.0 SCOPE: This procedure covers steps involved in material creation, extension, deletion or any other action related to Material Master Data and PR (purchase requisition)...

How to Dispose-Off the Scrap Material

1.0    PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for removal of scrap material from company. 2.0    SCOPE: This procedure covers the responsibility and the actions required for removal of material declared as scrap in store from Generating Stations 3.0 DEFINITION: Scrap can be considered as any store item or substance, which is useless material or a broken, worn out, contaminated or spoiled...

Emergency or Off Days Warehouse Opening Closing SOP

1.0 PURPOSE: The purpose is to define the Opening and Closing of Store and to control entry into Store in emergency & off-days.. 2.0 SCOPE: This procedure covers all the activities for Store opening and closing during normal working days, off days / holidays and emergency situation during off working hours at all Generating Stations. 3.0 DEFINITION: HOD – Head of Department CCR – Central Control Room 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES: Store...

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Standard Store Operations

1.0 PURPOSE: The purpose is to define the functions relating to all activities within the main Stores and to define a method of Stores Control. 2.0 SCOPE: This procedure covers all the activities for Stores Operations at stations.  3.0 DEFINITION: Material Receipt Intimation (MRI) via email Goods Receiving Note (GRN) Debit Note  (DN) Debit Transfer Note (DTN) Credit Note (CN) Delivery Challan (DC) Dispatch Note / Gate Pass...